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Main Terminal Room, Risers and Distribution

Main Terminal Room

Campus standards for communications require that every building provide two (2) distinct entrance routes to the campus backbone. The communications entrance ducts are supported by being attached to two serving communications manholes that, generally, will be on opposite sides of the project site. A final designation of manholes will be made by Communications Services during initial design review processes. It is desirable that buildings with a large footprint use two terminal rooms on the first floor or basement for entrance duct and cable terminations, and that the two rooms be joined by conduit to provide the redundant duct routes.

It is the design intent of entrance (main) terminal rooms to support backbone-attached communications devices, including switches and routes for date, remote switches for distributed telephony, drop and insert hardware for broadband (CATV)-based services and power systems for all communications systems.

  1. Entrance terminal rooms should be designed and located to allow the use of heavy installation and cable placement procedures.
  2. The entrance terminal rooms must be separate from, and independent of, electrical rooms.
  3. If double doors are used, there shall be no center post or support.
  4. Entrance terminal rooms will need HVAC year-round to maintain environmental controls consistent with computer equipment. Temperature range shall be 64 -75 degrees F with a humidity range not to exceed 40% relative.
  5. A dedicated electrical breaker panel supported by the building emergency power systems.
  6. A building ground bus bar, coterminous with the building electrical system ground, shall be provided.
  7. The ground bus bar shall be linked in common to all other terminal and sub-terminals in the building.
  8. Entrance terminal rooms shall be a minimum sixty-four square feet (64 sq. ft.) and nine feet in height (9.0'H) for campus communications.
  9. If other systems, including fire alarm, building monitoring, etc., are to be located in the same entrance (main) terminal room as communications, the minimum dimensions shall be eighty-one square feet (81 sq. ft.) and nine feet in height (9.0'H).
  10. Entrance terminal rooms shall have the height clearance to support rows of equipment cabinets and relay racks attached by overhead cable trays to the walls. HVAC ducting and all conduits and cable trays not terminating in the room shall be above the nine-foot (9.0') foot level.
  11. All wall space shall be covered with fire-rated three-quarter-inch thick by four-foot-wide by eight-foot-tall (0.75"Tx4.0'Wx8.0'H) wallboard.
  12. Work lights shall be provided as fluorescent fixtures parallel to each wall. The work lights shall provide a minimum of fifty (50) foot-candles at three feet (3') from the floor and be independently switched.
  13. The entrance ducts, one or both routes, shall terminate as 6"-12" stub-ups at one or more walls.
  14. One-quarter inch (0.25") nylon pull ropes shall be placed in each duct entering the terminal room.
  15. The entrance, or main, terminal room will normally house the Building Main Distribution Frame (MDF). If there are two entrance terminal rooms, the MDF will normally be located in only one room and the second will function as a sub-terminal of the first.
  16. It is desirable that the entrance (main) terminal room(s) be located at the bottom of a vertical alignment with the terminal rooms in the floors above.

Riser and Distribution Conduit and Cable Tray

  1. A minimum of three (3) four-inch (4.00") riser conduits shall connect the Entrance terminal room with the terminal room in the floor immediately above.
  2. Cable tray may be used as an alternative or additional internal cable entrance route into the room.
  3. If there are two or more communications terminal rooms on the same floor, they shall be connected with a minimum of three (3) four-inch (4.00") conduits on the first floor, and either cable tray or three (3) four-inch (4.00") conduits on floors above the first floor.
  4. UCSB requires a single riser conduit be extended from the terminal room of the top floor through the ceiling to provide access to the roof of a building for communications attachments.

Riser and Distribution Cabling

The entrance (main) terminal room(s) are attached to each floor terminal (sub-terminal) by a minimum of four cable systems.

  • Data Network � Fiber multi-mode and single-mode cable
  • Data Network � Copper twisted pair cables, Category 5e
  • Telephone Network � Copper twisted pair cable, Category 3
  • CATV � One-half inch (0.50") coaxial cable

The Coaxial cable is a single cable in all configurations and capacities.

The Telephone twisted pair cable provides distribution of telephone dial tone for direct service, internal key systems and intercom. Special data services, ISDN, ADSL, Frame Relay, may also be supported on these cables. Cable sizing is based on gross square footage calculations for a building and floor. Typically, the Category 3 cabling is in a multiple of one hundred (100) pairs and is terminated on high-density 110-type termination blocks. Cable segments are included, homerun, from the main terminal to every sub-terminal throughout the building and between adjacent sub-terminals. All cable pairs must be tested to the current EIA/TIA standards for continuity and pair matching.

The Data Network copper twisted pair cable, Category 5e, provides inter-floor and inter-terminal allocation of data services, supporting both individual station and remote data hub and data switch attachments. These cables are placed in multiples of twenty-five (25) pairs, terminated according to EIA/TIA 568-A Cat 5e standards using either high density 110-type termination blocks or nineteen inch (19.00") rack-mount patch panels. All cable pairs must be tested to the current EIA/TIA 568-A, TSB-40A, and TSB-36 standards for performance.

The Data Network fiber cable risers consist of both multi-mode and single mode fiber cables terminated according to EIA/TIA standards using rack-mounted nineteen inch (19.00") patch panels. The number of total fiber pairs of multi-mode and single-mode fiber is based on both gross square footage calculations for the floors, location of computer facilities within the building and programmatic requirements for both the building and campus.

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