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Fax Lines

fax line

Service Description

Communications Services will provide a standard analog telephone line and any support required for installing a facsimile (fax) machine. We do not provide the fax machines themselves, but these are available from numerous vendors in the area.

If your fax will only be used occasionally, you may be able to avoid the expense of a separate telephone line. We can order and install a switch that will allow the fax to share a line with a telephone instrument. Alternatively, you can just plug in the fax when you need to use it, and unplug it when you are through. With or without a switch, a shared telephone line will be tied up whenever the fax is in use.

Fax machines must be connected to an analog telephone line. Departments using digital telephone systems, generally Panasonic DBS, should either request a new analog number or dedicate an existing number to analog for fax usage.

Because a fax transmission involves several factors beyond our control, such as the telephone system and fax machine at the receiving end, Communications Services cannot be responsible for the result. We will bill for all completed calls, regardless of quality of transmission.

Getting a Fax Line




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