Communications Services offers a new service to help departments check the ALI (Automatic
Location Identification) data that is sent to campus emergency services whenever a 9-911 call is made from a departmental phone. Called "Alicia," the service provides the current location information associated with any faculty/staff telephone line in the Communications Services BORIS (Billing, Order and Repair Information System) database.
To contact Alicia, dial extension 2300 from any campus telephone with an 893 prefix. Alicia will report the building number, building name, and room number associated with the line you are using. If the telephone line is installed in multiple locations, each location will be reported.
If the location information is inaccurate, you can update it using our online Update Telephone Service Locations tool.
For More Information
For more information on Alicia and the importance of keeping your telephone location information up-to-date, see Your Telephone and 9-911 Emergency Services.