Contractor/UC Representative Construction Trailer Communications
As part of the Facilities Management contract agreement for new construction and major renovations, the contractor provides temporary on-site facilities (trailers) for housing both the University�s Representative and the Contractor site office. The communications support for temporary facilities is provided through the Communications Services department, who will place orders with a local, regulated telephone company (e.g., Verizon) for contractor service, and relocate or add campus telephones and data service to the trailer for the University Representative. Contractors planning temporary facilities including telephone and/or data access should contact Communications Services, Customer Service at 893-8700.
Temporary Surge Facilities
Prior to and during construction, people, offices and laboratories to be displaced by site clearance for new construction and temporary relocation for major renovations will need to be housed in existing or new temporary University space. The relocation of communications support is the responsibility of Communications Services and planning for these relocations should include Communications Services at the earliest possible time. Location of new temporary space and use of existing space both require infra-structure planning that can increase the lead time to occupy space. Project Managers planning for temporary surge space should contact Communications Services, Customer Service at 893-8700.
Phasing / Interim Locations
As part of the construction or renovations process, temporary or interim relocation of occupants or construction facilities may be required. In addition, major renovations within an occupied building will require maintenance and restoration of existing services that must be included in a project budget. Planning for possible phasing and temporary relocation should include a representative from Communications Services from the earliest point to assure a cost-effective solution and one that meets schedule requirements. Project Managers planning phasing and interim relocations of campus programs should contact Communications Services, Customer Service at 893-8700.
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