Original posting:11/20/03
Beginning November 24, 2003, FCC-mandated wireless number portability will be available in the 100 largest metropolitan areas nationwide. Wireless number portability lets telephone customers keep an existing telephone number while choosing a new carrier for their telephone service. Many customers will use this to "port" their current wireline home telephone numbers to a wireless (cell phone) service.
How Will Wireless Number Portability Affect My UCSB Telephone Service?
The short answer is: It won't. Here's why:
First, Santa Barbara is not among those 100 largest metropolitan areas where wireless number portability will become effective on November 24, 2003. The service will not be available in our area until sometime in 2004.
More importantly, since UCSB is the customer of record for all campus telephone numbers, those with faculty and staff (prefix 893) or residential (prefix 971) telephone numbers will not be allowed to "port" that number to a wireless carrier.
More Information
Once wireless number portability becomes available in the Santa Barbara area, you will be able to use it with your personal, non-UCSB telephone numbers. For further details, FAQs, and tips, visit the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association website, www.easyporting.com.